5 Poses to Help De-Stress the Holidays!

Lets face it, we like to run ourselves ragged by giving, giving and giving during Christmas season. We love doing it ourselves too! But when it starts to feel like you don’t even have time to breath, taking a few moments for yourself probably isn’t a bad idea. That’s why all our Yoga + Beer classes are free for December, we want you to take a little time for yourself!  

However, if you can’t make it to class this month, we made a short and simple sequence that is built to help you lighten the load. That way you can keep adding to the holiday cheer(s)!

Child's Pose

Grab a couple decorative Christmas couch pillows and sit on the floor with your knees apart. Place pillows between your knees and far enough forward so that you can rest your head the on pillows too. Be generous with the pillows and prop yourself up nicely. Fold over the pillows and find a comfortable supported Childs Pose. Stay here for as long as you’d like and simply focus on taking deep, steady breaths.

High Lunge w/backbend 

High Lunge w/backbend

High Lunge w/backbend

Stand at the top of your mat. Take a big step back with your right foot. Make sure your left knee doesn’t go past the ankle. Keep your back leg strong by pressing the heel back while keeping the right hip parallel with the left. Both arms reach up. Take a deep breath in and bend your elbows and reach your chest up towards the sky. (Again, keep your abdomen strong and supporting the spine.)

Pyramid Pose 

Pyramid Pose

Pyramid Pose

From High Lunge, straighten your front leg (being careful not to over extend). Then hinge forward at the hip till you reach halfway. If your hands touch the ground, great! If they don’t touch, that is equally as wonderful. Grab some books to prop your hands up on so your chest can remain lifted.

Forward Fold

Step to the top of your mat. Bend you knees and fold forward. Relax here and let your ribs rest against your thighs. Take several deeps breaths and hang onto each elbow.

Chair Pose w/twist

Chair Pose w/twist

Chair Pose w/twist

Rise to stand with your feet together or apart. Hands come together at your heart. Drop your seat down and make sure you can see the toes of your feet. Twist your torso to the right and place left elbow on your right thigh. Work at lengthening the spine and taking big breaths here. 

(Repeat High Lunge and Chair Pose so that you get both sides)

Hoppy Holidays!