Return of the Sun (and hoppiness)

We’ve all felt the lack of it lately and its manifested itself in each of us in a variety of ways. Lethargic, cranky, pizza delivery obsession, lack of inspiration, sickness and more. We have had Yoga+Beer classes all winter to help keep spirits up and its done a pretty good job for us! But what can we do to begin putting our best foot forward now, enliven things and wring out what is holding us back? We’ve got options!

  1. Continue going to Yoga + Beer classes 😉 (WE HAVE THREE ON MONDAY)
  2. Get up 10 minutes earlier go sit in front of an open window. Be still and observe all the beautiful things or perhaps work on a breathing practice. (Options here.) Just take a moment to appreciate all the things that you don’t normally notice when you’re in a rush.
  3. Skip Netflix so you can sit down with a notepad and list house projects, art, books or anything fun you let slip away in the winter time. Pick a simple one and get to work!
  4. Set aside 20 mins to drop everything and do a short heart opening/twist filled flow to help shed the crud of winter and shine the light of winter! (Mikki's 20min Rise and Shine Video Flow)
  5. Go to the park. Sit on a swing and enjoy the heck out of it.
  6. When the sun peaks through the clouds STOP EVERYTHING, go outside to stand it in. Shut your eyes, reach your arms out wide and soak it in. ALL of it.

Winter has had its beauty but we’ve also had a LOT more rain and snow this year. Now that things are looking a little brighter and a littler warmer, its time to lift the gaze and set your eyes on a new goal. It doesn’t have to be huge! Maybe start with wiping those annoying water spots off the bathroom mirror. Just a few minutes here and there. Pick things up and make room for something new that helps you take a step forward.

We can’t wait to see you all on Monday and spread the hoppiness around!
CHEERS – Your Yoga+Beer Crew

Feel Better Flow

Sometimes our intestines can do a number on us. Or rather they get upset when we eat/drink whatever we want ;) Even if you’re feeling great, adding some spinal twists into your day isn’t a bad idea. To put it simply, twisty/stretchy yoga poses can help massage your internal organs. If something is cramped up, this just might bring you some relief!

I’ve put together a few yoga poses to help you find full mobility again. A flow that enlivens and uplifts your day by wringing out the bubbles and the tightness.


Start Slow – Spinal Twist

Lay on your back and hug your knees into your chest. Then drop your knees over to one side. (Repeat on both sides)

When you feel that tight spot, don’t push it. Try to get your body to relax and just breath to get any initial crampy areas to release. Maybe its your foot that is tense, maybe its your six-pack abs. ;) Just let your body get heavier and breathe.


puppy dog pose yoga

Stretch it Out – Puppy Dog Pose

From table top (on your hands and knees) walk your hands forward and slowly lower your chest towards the ground. You can choose to land your chin or your forehead on the mat. Take the biggest slowest breaths you possibly can and just pause in this pose for at least a minute.


You can feel free to do whatever you’d like in between these poses! A little cat/cow…down dog…a vinyasa, you name it!


yoga lunge twist

Building the Fire – Lunge Twist

Step left foot back and drop your knee down to the ground (or blanket). Keep the steady breath going as you clasp your hands together behind your head. Lift your chest and the crown of your head upwards, then twist towards the right. Keep breathing in and lifting up. As you exhale, twist a little deeper. (Notice that my knee does not go past the ankle.)

low lunge stretch yoga

Loosening Up - Lunge Stretch

Staying in low lunge (option to lift the back knee up). With your right foot forward, bring your right hand down to the ground, a block or even a book works! We're just working at a gentle stretch in the left side to loosen things up a little more before some final twists. Repeat on both sides and try to prevent the hips from sinking down too much. 

table top twist yoga

Initiate Cooldown – Table Top Twist

Start from hands and knees. Press the left hand down and reach the right arm up. Pause for two breaths. Repeat on both sides as many times as you'd like <3







Total Relaxation – Childs Pose

Have your hands out front and add a side stretch in by walking your hands over to the left and pausing for a bit. Then walk your hands to the right! Feel free to skip this pose if your body does not love it. Your knees and hips should not be uncomfortable. :)

Hopefully your body is feeling a little better at this point and you've got a little more pep to your step! Stay tuned for an upcoming video on a twist yoga flow.

Cheers friends and enjoy your weekend!

-Chantal Barton - Beer Yogi + Instructor

5 Poses to Help De-Stress the Holidays!

Lets face it, we like to run ourselves ragged by giving, giving and giving during Christmas season. We love doing it ourselves too! But when it starts to feel like you don’t even have time to breath, taking a few moments for yourself probably isn’t a bad idea. That’s why all our Yoga + Beer classes are free for December, we want you to take a little time for yourself!  

However, if you can’t make it to class this month, we made a short and simple sequence that is built to help you lighten the load. That way you can keep adding to the holiday cheer(s)!

Child's Pose

Grab a couple decorative Christmas couch pillows and sit on the floor with your knees apart. Place pillows between your knees and far enough forward so that you can rest your head the on pillows too. Be generous with the pillows and prop yourself up nicely. Fold over the pillows and find a comfortable supported Childs Pose. Stay here for as long as you’d like and simply focus on taking deep, steady breaths.

High Lunge w/backbend 

High Lunge w/backbend

High Lunge w/backbend

Stand at the top of your mat. Take a big step back with your right foot. Make sure your left knee doesn’t go past the ankle. Keep your back leg strong by pressing the heel back while keeping the right hip parallel with the left. Both arms reach up. Take a deep breath in and bend your elbows and reach your chest up towards the sky. (Again, keep your abdomen strong and supporting the spine.)

Pyramid Pose 

Pyramid Pose

Pyramid Pose

From High Lunge, straighten your front leg (being careful not to over extend). Then hinge forward at the hip till you reach halfway. If your hands touch the ground, great! If they don’t touch, that is equally as wonderful. Grab some books to prop your hands up on so your chest can remain lifted.

Forward Fold

Step to the top of your mat. Bend you knees and fold forward. Relax here and let your ribs rest against your thighs. Take several deeps breaths and hang onto each elbow.

Chair Pose w/twist

Chair Pose w/twist

Chair Pose w/twist

Rise to stand with your feet together or apart. Hands come together at your heart. Drop your seat down and make sure you can see the toes of your feet. Twist your torso to the right and place left elbow on your right thigh. Work at lengthening the spine and taking big breaths here. 

(Repeat High Lunge and Chair Pose so that you get both sides)

Hoppy Holidays!

All Levels Yoga | Lunge Twist

Lunge Twist. We include this pose in a lot of our Yoga + Beer classes. Sometimes it feels good to have this pose be strong and active, but sometimes you just want to relax a bit more.

Here are 5 options for this pose that you can take anytime this pose is suggested in class.

1. Come into lunge with your back knee down, and your hand (same hand as front leg) pressing into the front thigh to spin your heart open. Other hand is on the ground (or your pint glass).

2. Same as Option 1, but a little deeper twist. Opposite elbow outside your front leg, create a fist with that hand and press into the fist with your other hand to help find the revolving action in your upper back.

3. Back knee off the ground, lean forward 45 degrees with hands at heart and start to rotate at the waist, bringing opposite elbow toward front leg. Stay here without trying to latch the elbow. 

4. Start with Option 3, and then just open your arms. 

5. The classic pose. Hands in prayer, opposite elbow outside front thigh, with back knee off the ground and back leg very active.

Happy practicing!

All levels yoga modifications. Yoga and Beer. Oregon yoga.&nbsp;

Down Dog Options

So you're in class...and your wrists are getting uncomfortable. But you want to do more than sit and enjoy a drink. (Although that is fine too!)

In our last blog post, we gave you some alternatives to Down Dog. But if the pose feels relatively comfortable except for your wrists, here are some options to modify just the hands and arms. Give them all a try and see which works best for your unique anatomy. 

Down dog modifications. All levels yoga. Yoga + Beer. Yoga classes in Oregon breweries in Salem, Albany. Silverton, Portland and Newport.&nbsp;

1. (top) Roll your mat up and place the heel of the hand on cushioned area, fingers on the ground. Press down through the front of the hand to help avoid wrist pressure.

▫ 2. (left) Make fists with your hands and press fists into mat, strengthening the wrists. Effective but it can be a little strange for down dog - so it will take some getting used to! 

▫3. (right) Drop down to forearms, spread the fingers wide and practice pressing down into the front of the hand where fingers meet the palm.

Hoppy practicing! 

All Levels Yoga | Down Dog

So you're in class. And you're in Downward Facing Dog. Again. And your wrists are like ... nope. And your shoulders and arms are unhappy with you. And you know what? That's okay. 

While Downward Facing Dog is considered one of our "classic" and common yoga postures - it is hard. And it takes practice to build up the strength and endurance necessary to hold this posture comfortably. 

If you've attended a Yoga + Beer class, then you'll know that we like lots of options at Yoga + Beer. And we fully support not forcing things that don't feel good. This pose is harder than we give it credit for sometimes, and sometimes you need alternatives. Don't beat yourself up, just choose one of these options which will help you continue to build strength for Downward Facing Dog. 

1. Check in with your Dog
Before you hate on Down Dog, assess where your weight is. Can you pull more weight back into your feet and out of your hands? Are your fingers and palms doing their fair share - or are your wrists doing all of the work? What if you bend your knees a little bit, does that make it more comfortable? 


2. Dolphin
Drop down onto your forearms for dolphin pose. It's hard in its own right, but gets you off your wrists. Keep elbows in line with shoulders. And if this pose is really intense in your low back or hamstrings you can take your feet wider on the mat, and maybe even bend your knees. 


3. Table
Drop down onto your knees for table. Wrists under shoulders. Knees under hips. Long, flat back. You can work the strength of yours arms, the length of your spine and the support of your core in this shape - all of which are necessary for Down Dog. It's basically a less intense version of dog down. 


4. Child's Pose
And finally there's a Child Pose, but in an active form. You can just relax here if you are feeling like you need to chill out. But if you want to keep working endurance for Down Dog ... instead of just laying in the shape, press down into the palms and get your arms active enough that your forearms and elbows lift off the ground. You can work your down dog arms in this shape, but with less intensity.


Happy Practicing!